7 Food Sources Containing Heavy Metals You Should Avoid

7 Food Sources Containing Heavy Metals You Should Avoid

You might check how much protein, fat and sugar is in your food choices in the supermarket. And you may cast a glance at the additives and preservatives content, to make sure that’s not too high. However, the level of toxic heavy metals is not usually shown on the ingredients list.

Without us even knowing, these may be present in certain foods and drinks we choose to consume. While experts state that small amounts found in some food items are not cause for concern, the thing is, these toxins can build up over time and contribute to harming heart and brain health. Take a look at the food and beverages with high levels of heavy metals, that you should be aware of.

Tap Water

A variety of chemicals are found in Australian drinking waters. Some are put there for health and purification reasons, but some, such as heavy metals, occur after passing through lead pipes. To improve the taste and health of your drinking water, use a water filter that will do a good job of filtering out heavy metals.

Baby Food

While it seems unbelievable, a national investigation found that 95% of baby foods tested contained toxic chemicals, including arsenic and lead. Exposure early on to these metals can reduce IQ and affect life quality moving forwards. To minimise toxic metal exposure for your baby, avoid foods such as rich puffs and rice cereals and opt for organic baby foods.

Non-Organic Food

Everyday foods that are non-organic, often get exposed to pesticides, which may contain trace levels of heavy metals. Past studies have shown pesticides to contain arsenic, lead, nickel, chromium and cobalt, which can contribute to weight gain and liver enlargement. If you can, buy organic foods, especially when purchasing strawberries, spinach, kale, peaches, pears and apples, as these are known to contain the highest levels of pesticides.

Processed Fruit Juices

While you may think fruit juice is a healthy option due to its fruit content, processed juices often contain a range of toxic metals. One consumer report study showed that 45 popular juices contained a mix of arsenic, lead and mercury. Make a healthy swap and choose a piece of organic fruit instead of a cup of juice.

Oily Fish

While the body needs omega-3 fats that are found in oily fish, some varieties contain high levels of mercury. A report found that grouper, king mackerel, swordfish and big eye tuna contained high mercury levels and should be consumed in moderation.

Brown Rice

Depending on where it’s grown, some types of rice may contain high levels of arsenic. One report even found that brown rice has more arsenic than white rice and rice from Texas has the highest levels of arsenic. If you do eat this rice, rinsing it helps and better grain choices with low arsenic levels are quinoa, buckwheat and millet.

Brewed Tea

Some brewed teas, particularly ones from China, have been found to contain high levels of aluminium and lead. This may be caused by non-organic tea crops being sprayed with pesticides. Make a healthier choice by checking where your tea is grown and opt for organic brews where possible.

If you want to detoxify your body, try supplementing with natural zeolite. This superfood powder eliminates toxins and heavy metals from the body, while improving the absorption of nutrients, so your body can work at optimal capacity.
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